Writers on the Air

Every Sunday, WKDW 97.5 FM nonprofit radio invites amateur writers, poets, and comedians to perform or read on its program “Writers on the Air.”  Organizers are looking for funny or ... Continue reading ...

Patti Jefferson

Patti Brassard Jefferson is an award-winning illustrator and author of children’s books as well as non-fiction. She is currently the president of the Florida Authors and Publishers Association and CEO ... Continue reading ...
Wilson Hawthorne

Wilson Hawthorne

  Wilson received an BA in English Writing from the University of Georgia in 1983 and has been writing ever since. He has published countless magazine and newspaper articles, seven ... Continue reading ...
Andrew Conlyn

Andrew Conlyn

From his earliest years in rural Virginia, Andrew loved nature. From crawfish to thunderstorms, he marveled at the creativity on display wherever the influence of man was not overpowering. Growing ... Continue reading ...