We all gathered together for our October meeting on Saturday the 18th. It was well attended and a great opportunity for members to meet and enjoy each other’s company.

We were blessed to have two outstanding speakers, Claudia Volkman and April Lynne James.
Claudia talked about her experiences in becoming a professional editor and presented the different types of editing recommended for every published work including Developmental Editing, Evaluation Editing, Line Editing, Content Editing, Copyediting and Proofreading.

April Lynne James took us on a melodic journey that showcased her talents as a musician and renowned authority on opera music composed by women. Like an orchestra conductor, she carried us through all the exciting movements of the symphony of her latest work, The Tenth Muse: How Maria Antonia Advanced the Pastoral Opera.

Other Business
As always new members are encouraged to introduce themselves to the group and existing members are invited to tell us about any important events or milestones in their writing endeavors.
Below are some more pictures from the meeting.