Speaker: Royce Gomez King
Topic: Marketing your book before publishing

Date: October 16, 2021, 10 a.m – Noon
Zoom and in person meeting

New Location: Map
Word of Life Church
6111 South Pointe Blvd.
Fort Myers, FL 33919
Note: Google maps or your GPS may direct you to the back of the building. The entrance to the parking lot is on South Point Blvd. between Quigley Eye Specialists and Buckets Restaurant.


Marketing your book begins before you publish it! You’ve begun the manuscript, started researching publishing options, and now you’re ready to take that next step to become an author. Whether you self-publish or sign with a publisher, marketing begins before the book is printed. During this workshop we’ll talk about 9 pre-publishing areas that will affect your marketing, and a dozen ways to market your book after it’s published. Join us to learn how to set your book up to be a bestseller.

Royce King has been a serial entrepreneur for more than 25 years and is an SBDC Certified Coach, Certified Direct Response Copywriter, and frequent trainer on online marketing strategies. Her education in Nonprofit Management and working with executives extends internationally through speaking and consulting. Her columns and business advice have been published in the Small Business Expert Forum, Huffington Post, Carol Roth, Charity Magazine, and more.

Royces’s Amazon Author Page


GCWA is looking for a new Programs Officer to find speakers for our meetings. Please email president@gulfwriters.org if you would like to volunteer.

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