Vic Larson

Vic Larson

Ask me what I DO and I’ll tell you I’m retired. Ask me what I AM and I’ll say that I’m a writer. I’ve been writing either professionally or as a hobby since college at the University of Illinois where I wrote for the school newspaper. If I could do it all over again I’d pursue a degree in Communications or Journalism.  When I became a writer, and then manager, of a Corporate Writing Services department in the Chicago area I joked when interviewing potential employees that I wouldn’t give myself my old job back with my degree in Medical Technology. As I told my wife the day I got my writing position, “I think I just ruined a perfectly good hobby.” And indeed, writing from nine to five is a job like any other. But I fully understood how difficult it is to make a living as a freelancer or novelist.

After twenty-seven years I left that job and moved to Port Charlotte Florida.  I now write daily, developing posts for two of my own blogs. I also post frequent movie reviews to a third site. I am Webmaster for the Port Charlotte Garden Club and Outreach For World Hope, a non-profit that rescues starving Guatemalan children. I enter contests, write reviews for new or favorite local businesses, and currently have a piece being considered for a podcast at Walt Disney World Magazine. Other than that, I live on a steady diet of rejections and M&Ms. You can find my writing at, and movie reviews at